To all interior design professionals and general contractors in the residential, Ho re Ca, yachting, and aviation sectors.

Art walls in fine leather are made using innovative and exclusive manufacturing techniques. Each panel is handmade in Italy by master leather craftsmen.

The hides used to make the Artèpura walls are all certified and of traceable origin. Furthermore, following the project requirements, each product is available with a fireproof and/or water-repellent finish.

The Artèpura workshop uses first-choice leathers of bovine, egg, and goat origin and of exotic origin (crocodile, caiman, stingray, to name a few). The choice of materials expands through the union with precious marbles, precious metals, and essences.

Contrary to popular belief, leather is not an excessively delicate material, provided you take care of it over time using the necessary precautions.

As a natural material, cleaning should be done sparingly. It is recommended to avoid direct exposure to the sun and heat sources, which could alter its appearance over time.

For normal cleaning, it will be sufficient to periodically dust with a dry cloth (or with the help of a vacuum cleaner). Any liquids that accidentally come into contact with the leather surfaces must be dabbed off promptly with a dry cloth.

To keep the beauty of the skin intact over time, products with different characteristics are available on the market depending on the type of skin to be treated:

– detergents for deep cleansing of the skin;

– creams and waxes to maintain their appearance and softness over time (not suitable for leather with a suede finish).

Contact specialized dealers only.

finitura scamosciata).

Constant and adequate cleaning of the leather will allow the original beauty and appearance to remain unchanged over time. If stains or dirt damage the surface in such a way that they cannot be eliminated with normal cleaning, it is advisable to contact companies specialized in cleaning leather furnishings.

Artèpura responds to the ever-increasing demand for customization by interior design professionals, through made-to-measure creations.

Our technical team will study and articulate the proposal of the most suitable materials for the expected result of the creative choice, developing the project verification prototypes upon request.

Artèpura offers the necessary support and assistance during all phases of product development.

Yes. The brand’s mission is the creation of art walls for multiple prestigious areas: private homes, Ho.re.ca, retail, up to yachts, and planes. By supporting the designers and interior studios throughout the planning phase, Artèpura places the artisan know-how of Pasini Pier Maurizio srl at their disposal to be able to satisfy every creative need. Artèpura creations adapt to flat surfaces, curves, and elements such as furniture doors, doors, etc. Our technical office can elaborate on any graphic or design, evaluating together with the client the most suitable techniques for the realization of the product.

The quality of the materials used in the construction of our products does not include the supply of samples of the articles.

However, it is possible to view them in our showroom, by making an appointment, together with the material folders.

During the executive phase of the project – at the request of the client – ​​prototypes will be created to verify the aesthetic/technical performance of the product.

By consulting the catalog in the reserved area, you will find the practical installation solutions for our items illustrated. For all – except for different project requirements – assembly on a pre-finished panel is foreseen, to simplify all installation operations. This arrangement does not require the use of specialized personnel for installation.

Our catalog can be consulted in the reserved area, upon registration. The catalog is confidential information material, not disclosed to third parties.

Each of our orders comes from a project tailored to the customer, therefore exclusive. By making an appointment at our showroom, however, it is possible to view the indicative prices per square meter of our products. It is always possible to request a detailed estimate by providing a project draft or by entrusting the drafting to our creative team.

The Artèpura showroom is located in the courtyard of Palazzo Durini, via Durini 24, in the heart of the Milan design district. Artèpura staff will be at your disposal to show you the details of all our articles and processes in the material library.

The leather processing cycle is one of the oldest examples of the recovery and enhancement of a by-product. The hides used by the modern tanning industry represent a recovery from the food industry, which involves the reuse and ennoblement of a product that would otherwise be disposed of as waste, with a consequent environmental cost.

Artèpura relies on the supply of raw materials only to leading international suppliers in the tanning sector. This ensures both the careful selection of the best hides and the adoption of solutions capable of reducing the environmental impact of their processing.

Relying on a Certified Supplier means purchasing materials that meet high-quality standards and possess all the certifications required by current legislation.




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